A Healthier Lifestyle
There are many EASY lifestyle changes YOU can make to improve the quality of your life and health that will not take much effort! So why...
Understanding Food Labels
I often get asked what should I be eating? And how much should I be eating? Well if I told you there is actually no right or wrong answer...
Surrounded by Sugar
Say the word ‘sugar’ and most people think of the white granular stuff many of us have in a sugar bowl at home. But what is sugar...
Setting yourself up for Success
With schools holidays coming to an end, gyms are going to see a great influx of people over the coming weeks as many parents are itching...
The Myths about Metabolism
Metabolism gets referred to alot when it comes to weight. I often hear phrases such as “i have a slow metabolism”, as one of the reasons...
Build a Heart of a Champion
Do you want to enjoy an active, long life filled with energy? As a Personal Trainer and Fitness Professional I come across many different...
Sleeping - The Importance of Sleep for Weight Loss
Have you ever skipped a few hours sleep to get everything you need to do done?, Do you get up an hour earlier or work an hour later to...
Do Crunches Burn Belly Fat?
I often get asked what is the best exercise to lose the fat around my tummy? Or what Ab exercises can I do to reduce weight around my...