Fitness over the Festive Season
The festive season can be such a busy time with work deadlines, parties, shopping, travel and kids being off school, and that can make it...
The Best Way To Lose Weight In A Month
You should be able to lose several pounds in one month, but to keep it off, don’t fall victim to a strict, fad diet or “wonder shakes”...
The Most Effective Tips To Lose Belly Fat
Belly fat is more than just a nuisance that makes our clothes feel tighter, the fat inside our belly area, known as visceral fat is...
Are You Summer Body Ready?
Have you been sun inspired last weekend? We all want to look awesome on the beach, right?! Well here’s a start to your holiday checklist...
Weight Loss and Mind Set
You know you how to lose weight – you need to eat fewer calories than your body requires and exercise more then you will see results. If...
Beginners Strength Training Tips For An Effective Workout
Getting comfortable with a steady cardio routine is definitely a great accomplishment and something to be proud of, but if you are doing...
Weight Loss Goals – Setting Yourself Up For Success
Setting weight loss goals is one of the most difficult steps in a weight loss and fat loss program. The way most people approach this...
Tips for Starting and Sticking to a Fitness Routine
In my experience as a trainer and fitness professional, many people struggle to stick to a fitness routine, or in fact struggle to start....