Stress and Health
We’ve all been stressed at some point in our lives. Sometimes stress can be a positive force motivating you to perform well such as...

The Low Down on Fats
Dietary fats are essential to give the body energy and support cell growth. They also protect organs and help keep the body warm. Fats...

Smoking and Exercise
If you belong to a gym or a fitness centre you might be surprised to see members of staff or in fact other members puffing away at a...

The Benefits of Exercise
Exercise has many benefits for health, fitness and well being, not only does exercise help with how you look physically, it will also...

Surrounded by Sugar
Say the word ‘sugar’ and most people think of the white granular stuff many of us have in a sugar bowl at home. But what is sugar...

Build a Heart of a Champion
Do you want to enjoy an active, long life filled with energy? As a Personal Trainer and Fitness Professional I come across many different...