The Best Way To Lose Weight In A Month
You should be able to lose several pounds in one month, but to keep it off, don’t fall victim to a strict, fad diet or “wonder shakes”...

The Most Effective Tips To Lose Belly Fat
Belly fat is more than just a nuisance that makes our clothes feel tighter, the fat inside our belly area, known as visceral fat is...

Beginners Strength Training Tips For An Effective Workout
Getting comfortable with a steady cardio routine is definitely a great accomplishment and something to be proud of, but if you are doing...

How To Become A Better Swimmer - Strength Training For Swimmers
Historically many competitive and first-time swimmers or triathletes train to improve their swimming performance by swimming more...

Female Fitness Myths That Could Be Preventing You From Achieving Your Fitness Goals
The world of female fitness is completely bombarded with myths, things like crazy low calorie and carbohydrate diets, long boring cardio...

Exercise and Back Pain
Back pain seems to be a very common condition that I come across quite often when talking to potential clients or people around the gym. ...

Exercising for Weight Loss
If someone told you right now what the best exercise was to lose weight, would you do it?? Well I’m going to tell you, its pretty simple....

Women and Weight Training - Why Every Woman Should Lift Weights!
Many women worry about weight training! I hear it all the time from new clients and from women I speak to around the gym. Many women...